Learning Ayurveda is a process of self discovery and what makes you tick in relationship to your environment.
Are you ready? 
Ayurveda isn’t complicated when presented well and thoughtfully. 
And it isn’t boring.  It could also be fun!

I work with clients from all over the world via the ZOOM platform. 
I also teach Ayurvedic concepts to small and large groups in the Piedmont area of North Carolina.

I see clients here in Winston-Salem, North Carolina 
and also offer Ayurvedic body therapies in my home office~ specifically marma point therapy massage (Ayurvedic acupressure) and external oil bastis (dough dams are filled with warm, medicated oils over trouble spots.  The photo on the lower right shows a client relaxing during treatment.) 
Please get in touch with me for more information!

Ayurvedic counseling
This program is most effective when clients work with me consistently for 6 weeks or more.
Initial 6 visits $585.
Entails: one initial consult (1.5 hours going over your 10-page intake form, pulse, tongue diagnosis), one report of findings (where I present a plan going forward based on the initial assessment), plus four, 60-minute follow up visits for coaching and tweaking of the plan. I will generally recommend dietary recommendations, herbal supplements and a few simple practices during these sessions.  Each session is also accompanied by a written report.
Subsequent set of 6 visits (if you choose to continue working with me) $450.
Ongoing coaching and support as we continue to implement dietary and lifestyle adjustments.  This is typically the time when I will recommend additional supplements, breath work, mantra, yoga asanas, color therapy–whatever is most appropriate for the client.

**Appointments are generally scheduled the same day, one week apart and can be through ZOOM.  Typed up notes are sent via e-mail following each visit. Clients working with me on a regular basis keep track of their food/supplement intake throughout our scheduled time together.

Single session for established clients: $95
Single 75 minute session for a non-established client: $115

Ayurvedic body therapies
Marma (Ayurvedic acupressure) massage $90 for one hour.
Basti session (this includes the medicated oil that you will get to take home or reuse on your next visit) $120 for one hour.

Why work with me
1. I have been on the healing path for decades and have positively influenced hundreds of people on their healing journeys.
2. I have spent thousands of hours studying, practicing, and traveling to learn Ayurveda, yoga, herbology, iridology, body therapies, and energy healing. 
3. I am a professional teacher and have worked in the field of communication and education for over four decades. 
4. I am an intuitive and utilize this gift when working with clients. 
5. I highly personalize each program and recognize the uniqueness of each individual.

 Please note- I do not interpret medical tests or treat through an allopathic lens.  And I am not a medical doctor.  Ayurveda is the science of balance and reconnection. It is a complementary discipline that you can do alongside other medical treatments and healing modalities. Ayurveda is an ancient science that recognizes no quick fixes, and that there is not one exclusive path through which one could heal. It also knows that everyone responds differently to various treatments, herbs, supplements, foods, and even practitioners.

Unless special arrangements have been made, I require payment in full before scheduled sessions.

~Payments can be made through PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, or check 

Cancellation policy
An e-mail reminder is sent out 24 hours prior before a ZOOM or in person session.

If a scheduled session is cancelled more than 12 hours beforehand, then that session may be rescheduled.  If the session is cancelled less than 12 hours before a scheduled session and is not related to an emergency or illness, then client forfeits that time or 100% of the fee paid for that session.

E-mail me parthena yoga @yahoo(dot)com for more information!  You can also see what folks are saying.



January 13th (2024) Gunas and Chakras at TBR as part of their yoga teacher training
December 9th gods and goddesses at TBR as part of their yoga teacher training
November 4th Dinacharaya workshop at TBR; Winston-Salem, North Carolina in person
November 18th Your Ayurvedic Constitution workshop at TBR; Winston-Salem, North Carolina in person
September 16th Ayurvedic Nutrition workshop at TBR; Winston-Salem, North Carolina in person

Past Ayurvedic Classes and Intensives 
I have presented various health topics through the Ayurvedic lens to interested audiences in yoga studios, health centers, and in spiritual venues across the U.S.  I also teach the Ayurvedic component to yoga teacher trainings and intensives in Florida, Oregon and North Carolina.  E-mail me for details.  parthenayoga(at sign)yahoo(dot)com.