Seasonal self-care~ Find Your Best Footing By Taking Care of Your Senses~
Fall is a time of transition and is not always easy on the body. So what I want to focus on are ways to take care of our senses, making sure that they're not stretched at a time when imbalances can take hold easily in the body as well as in the mind. We are in the...
The Yeast Among Us~
You probably know that candida is a type of fungus that is present in all our digestive systems. And maybe you even know that we harbor a number of these 'non-human' type organisms in our bodies and that this is normal and natural. External organisms that are 'not...
Mother’s Day~
In ancient wisdom times, the divine feminine was embraced. She was known to manifest in all that is physical. Ships that sail and lands that provide--the Mother ship, the Mother land....Mother is what keeps you afloat. She is the source of your sustenance. She was...
A Taste of S-l-o-w~
We Americans are fast at doing a lot of things as well as notorious for rushing through each and every moment! This, unfortunately, means hurrying through our meals too! But whether you are American or not, are you someone who eats breakfast on the run, races through...
A Healthy Way to Eliminate Decision Fatigue~
We've all experienced it. Going into a grocery store and not knowing the exact brand of toothpaste or milk to buy because the last time we looked there were 20 types to choose from instead of the 30 that we noticed today. Being faced with not two or three or even...
Constants in a Season of Change~ Taking Care of Yourself during Vata Season
I was reminded by a colleague that even though we don’t have control over many of our external factors, what remains the same is that, for the most part, we do have control over how we take care of ourselves. Taking care of you involves developing your awareness for...
Valentine’s Day, Ojas, and Your Heart
Let’s put Ojas in perspective~ In Ayurveda, life is explained through the 5 elements or the three doshas or subtle doshas: Prana, Tejas, and Ojas. We possess all three of these things, without them, there would be no life as we know it. Prana = the life force itself...
November is for Herbs!
November! Since we in the northern hemisphere have less daylight to work with, we can begin other little adventures indoors like- using more wonderful HERBS~ healing, tasty, healthy, amazing herbs aka spices. Why are herbs so important in cooking, in Ayurveda, in...