You probably know that candida is a type of fungus that is present in all our digestive systems.  And maybe you even know that we harbor a number of these ‘non-human’ type organisms in our bodies and that this is normal and natural.

External organisms that are ‘not human’ have helped us to adapt and relate to our environment so that we’re able to maintain balance with the external natural world –they serve as a type of bridge between our insides and our outsides.  Many of these organisms help us.  Some, especially when out of balance, i.e.,’taking over’, can hurt us.

I remind people that there’s no such thing as a ‘clean system’—so don’t get worried or freaked out.   Our world is not a spic-and-span-shiny-smooth-dust-and-lint-free surface. Our immune system garners strength from its relationship with the world–we are, after all, in a symbiotic relationship with what lives and grows on the outside of us.  We are composed of flesh and blood and biodegradable parts—we are organic beings that ingest what grows from dirt, excreting out what our systems cannot use.
In all, our bodies are not much different than other living creatures on the planet that also exist in a symbiotic relationship with nature.  It’s just that we like to think of ourselves as separate.

Yet, there are things that we do to our immune systems that can make them more susceptible to yeast/fungus overgrowth.  Over use of antibiotics is a big one.

Health is a matter of balance.  Health is not about having a cleaned out system.
Health is also determined by a strong immune system.  And a strong immune system is the result of having a good, strong digestive fire that can consume and balance an onslaught of external bugs, funguses, and viruses.

What I notice when the temperature gets warmer is that the grass grows fast and the insects thrive.  Internal growths multiply too as they are mirroring what’s happening in the environment.  So I am reminded, once again

That we are a microcosm of the environment
This means that when the climate changes, we need to pay attention as to why we are feeling a certain way and adjust the diet and lifestyle accordingly for balance.

Through Ayurveda and by paying attention to how your body reacts to certain foods, drinks, and stressors, you can control or eliminate the effects of yeast overgrowth– brain fog, joint pain, most skin issues, and other semi- debilitating effects from a potential fungal overgrowth in the body.

Watch your system when the weather gets hot.  And if you feel any undesirable symptoms could be caused by a yeast overgrowth, try and stick to the following suggestions.  It helps my mind to know that nothing is forever, and that includes diet protocols. Just make sure you give your digestive fire a chance to ‘consume’ unwanted reproductions of fungus/candida, etc. The following are some healthy guidelines for seasonal transitioning eating, traveling, losing a few pounds and controlling candida.
One of the first tenets is to decrease whatever causes a lot of mucous in your body.  Also pay attention to your elimination patterns, making sure your bowel movements are regular and complete.

Remember:  Good digestion is key in helping to keep fungus overgrowth in check.


1. Eat 2 – 4 meals a day, about the same time.  Don’t eat in between meals–give your digestive fire a chance to totally consume what you’ve eaten.  And make lunch your biggest meal since we digest best when the sun is high in the sky.
2. Sip hot/warm water or room temp/warm lemon or lime water between meals.
3. Sip on ginger tea after or before a meal.
4. Improve digestion by eating slowly and by enjoying your meals.
5. Increase the use of herbs in cooking—they all help with digestion!
Use fennel, cumin, coriander, garlic, cayenne, ginger,  turmeric, hing, black pepper, curries in your dishes.  Garlic is especially helpful here.  Go easy or cut down on the salt. (Pittas have to make sure that they don’t overheat with the warmer spices. Spices that will not overheat pitta types:  cumin, coriander, fennelAloe is also a helpful drink for pitta types.)
6. Eat a plant based diet:  increase cooked veggies like asparagus, kale, collard greens, spinach.  And go towards the more bitter greens e.g. dandelion.
7. Eat more soups and enjoy simple meals~ they’re easier to digest!Supplements:
*Take a good strong probiotic.   Try high quality brands with various strains.
*Triphala taken in the evening on an empty stomach helps with elimination and will balance all three doshas.  You can order triphala powder and tablets from Banyan through my site.
*Vitamin C  is great for immune strength!  I really love this source of Vitamin C. It’s not acidic and really helps to increase energy levels.
*Grapefruit seed extract (I used to use this, but you do not need to if you’re drinking lemon water)
*Pau D’Arco  (I make formulas and teas from this root and find it very helpful in controlling symptoms.)  You can find Pau D’arco in various forms in health food stores and online.Avoid:
X Cold foods, including cold dairy like ice cream
X Cold drinks, they will increase mucous production
X Raw foods, they’re just harder to digest
X Snacking throughout the day, because your digestive system is never given a chance to rest and re-fire
X Foods that are hard to digest:  frozen foods, old foods, foods that look and/or taste unappetizing
X All sugars (I give up my beloved maple syrup when it’s hot.)
X Breads or foods with gluten in them
X Refined foods or foods with more than 5 ingredients or any ingredient list that you cannot pronounce
X Fast foods from the grocers or from fast food joints
X Really greasy or heavy foods
X Eating on the run or in the carAlso increase your fire by
**Enjoying your work
**Exercising – make sure you sweat.  Your pores are a way to eliminate toxins in the body
**Laughing more.  Watch a comedy, share funny stories with a friend
**Cultivating community
**Cultivating faith
**Knowing that all is well and that you are strong!Remember that all systems of knowledge should be experiential. In other words,  when you’re applying them SEE HOW YOU FEEL, NOTICE THE EFFECTS AND REMEMBER WHAT WORKS AND WHAT DOESN’T WORK.

So, friends, here’s to all of our growth~
the good kind!