What Can Save Us? ~
So much in our world is uncertain. And reading and watching the news rarely gives us direction or imparts peace of mind. Recently, I was on a call with a colleague who re-stated a phrase I've heard before from one of our wise, Ayurvedic doctors, and it went...
You and Your Constitution~
In Ayurveda, there are three basic constitution types. Your constitution determines the kinds of ailments you’re prone to, but can also point to the best methods on how to care for both your body and your mind. Though we all possess combinations of these three...
Summoning Sukha~
Allowing Sukha, Finding Peace
Why Seek Sweet in the Fall?
Seek Sweet, especially now! If we follow nature, now that it's fall in the northern hemisphere, we would also be releasing what no longer serves us and bring our energies back to our core. Nature has accepted life's cycles as it prepares itself for winter when the...
How Are You Doing this Summer?
How are you all doing out there? Are you getting fatigued from all this news, this unease, this everything? I know. Me too. Yesterday as I was walking down some public stairs, I grabbed onto a handrail. For a moment I forgot that we were in the midst of a pandemic...
Why We Should Stay Calm
As I type this on my computer, I am also listening to the police shout through bullhorns for people to get off the street. Though I prepared for traveling amid a global pandemic, I did not expect major societal upheaval the first week of my stay in these temporary...
The Fab Four and the Five Elements
The Fab Four and the Five Elements
Mr. Rogers and Yoga’s 5th Limb~
Hi everyone~ So, how has it been for you since the pandemic has us in this state of indecisiveness, wading through confusing news sources, job unpredictability, family dynamic challenges and changes, toilet paper shortages, shaggy hair, and political divisiveness?...
Do You *Really* Need Toilet Paper?
I hope that this finds you physically well as our minds learn how to adapt to our current global situation. I want to share with you ways you can go about your daily life without being dependent upon paper products which are currently in short supply. Traveling and...
What We Can Learn From the French~
Having spent some time in France, I was keen on noticing the way that the French approached food and eating, which is a contrast to how we approach our food here in the U.S. Even though their foods are rich and they eat these rich foods later in the day, they seem...
How Ice Cream Can Kill Your Agni~
Agni is represented by the digestive fire. That transformative energy that we all need in order to digest anything and everything taken into our bodies (and into our minds!) Agni represents the fire element which manifests as digestive enzymes, governing all...
Abbreviated End of the Year Newsletter~ 2018
My clients have often asked what I do to stay healthy. I will have to admit that I could always do better and that health is relative. I experience challenges and setbacks and am always working on improving my digestion and sleep which have been issues on and off for...